A New LEAF was created by DJA Financial Aid Services Inc. (DJA). DJA has over 30+ years of experience in the Financial Aid Industry servicing Institutions with all different program types such as Term, Clock Hour and Credit Hour Programs. Not only does the program accurately calculate financial aid awards for students, it also ensures compliance by automatically flagging ISIR Codes and balancing financial accounts at the school. The software also boasts a robust ISIR reporting section with full map integration so that institutions are better able to understand their student demographic allowing them to make better marketing and investment decisions. New Leaf was designed to be utilized in an in-house environment and also for those institutions who wish to fully outsource their financial aid. Please feel free to contact us today to turn over a New LEAF.
Automatic flag of ISIR Codes with required client document upload to ensure compliance for audits. In addition to the standard ISIR Codes, DJA has additional memo codes that will be automatically flagged. These codes have helped us provide documented support in prior audits. In addition, the program has Google Map integration to see compiled Demographic information for students on a State, County, and Zip level allowing the institution to garner a better understanding of its student population.
DJA has been in the industry for 30+ years and the program reflects that knowledge. In addition, DJA has multiple outstanding questions with the Department of Education meaning that new regulations and clarification on existing regulations are quickly integrated into the system. The software tracks account transactions such as refunds/deposits and tracks the disbursments that make up the transaction. It also prompts for refund deposits to made into the account upon changes to disbursements. In addition, it also has the ability to track FISAP information for Campus-Based Aid. DJA balances accounts monthly to ensure accuracy
New LEAF automatically reports all applicable awards and disbursemnts to The Common Origination and Disbursement (COD). Any changes that occur in the system such as adjustments to enrollment status, newly released ISIRs and budget changes automatically adjust awards and send the adjusted disbursements to COD automatically.
New LEAF has developed an API that will allow any school management software to fully intgrate with our platform thus eliminating duplicate entry accross systems and allowing real-time sharing of information. This feature allows your institution to maintain utilizing its existing school management system, yet also have the robust power of New LEAF's financial aid reporting.
If you have some questions or need help, please Contact Us!
Let us help you turn over a New Leaf!
Weekdays:8am to 5pm